Lowering the Tome is back... and it's mini again

Hi all. Clearly I’ve let my newsletter on Substack fall by the wayside, so I’m relaunching it but with a bit of a new vibe. Here’s the plan. I’ll be taking the short, snappy ‘mini-blog’ format that used to work well (and that, crucially, kept me motivated), and use it to share things under headings such as Writing News, Recent Reads, Writing/Thinking Prompts (these will be suitable for all ages), Peeks Inside Publishing and In Other News. I’ll also be sharing it in full here on the website too. Essentially it’s the return of the mini-blog – yay!

I still expect to write monthly posts – fortnightly at most. I may still write the odd piece where I witter on about something esoteric, but these are likely to be in the minority. Thanks for sticking with it, Tomers – I hope that all sounds good to you. If there’s anything you’d really like me to talk about or that you’d especially like to see here, please do let me know, as I’m open to suggestions. And if you know anyone who you think would enjoy what I’ve set out above, do please point them in my direction.

More to come very soon!

Katharine x