New website, new... website

Yes, I have a website now! You know this already because you’re on it - but still.

My main aim for the site - and this blog - is to provide a place where you can find out more about me and what I write, and to offer a way for you to get in touch. Whether you have a question about my writing, want to enquire about a school visit, or something totally different, I’d love to hear from you.

I’ve got an events page too, which I’ll gradually update, and high hopes for putting up some school resources soon.

I don’t expect to write reams for the blog, but I hope it will be enough to keep you entertained and to give you a small window into my life, work and - some might say strange - brain. Of course you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram too.

Thanks for reading - and be sure to let me know what you think of the website.

These books belonged to my nan, and I’ve used them in a lot of the banner images for the website - because the spines are so pretty, and the contents so darkly fascinating…

These books belonged to my nan, and I’ve used them in a lot of the banner images for the website - because the spines are so pretty, and the contents so darkly fascinating…