The World Book Week 2023 mini-blog

Hello and welcome to the February mini-blog.

I’ve just come from a school visit in which the children of Southville Primary invented their very own magical creature with me: a maths-loving, pea-eating lizard called Gary Scrumpfry. I had a brilliant time exploring the writing process with them, and talking about what inspired many of the creatures in Mountainfell, too. In other news:

Book Pen Pals

This month I sent off some letters to my brilliant Book Pen Pals. For those who don’t know, Book Pen Pals is a really lovely scheme that connects schools with authors and illustrators, who then correspond throughout the year via postcards and letters. I absolutely love talking to my book pen pals, answering their questions, giving them writing tips and recommending books they might like. If you’re a school, author or an illustrator, why not check them out, or give them a follow on Twitter. (If you’d like to get a one-off postcard direct from me, I can do that too – do just get in touch.)

World Book Week – easy costume ideas!

As an author, it’s flattering to see children who feel inspired enough by reading your books to dress as your characters. I’ve already seen an excellent Leif costume and had requests for dressing-up ideas, so this year I thought I’d put some very easy costume suggestions for Mountainfell characters online:

Erskin – she wears simple trousers and a jumper, and because her pet cat, Scrat, likes to climb up and sit on her shoulders, the more holes (because of cat claws) the better. For an added extra, if you can find a piece of fluffy material that might make a good cat’s tail, why not have it dangling out of one side of a bag or satchel, so it looks like you’ve got Scrat with you, too…

Leif – again, simple trousers and a jumper or top will do, but remember that Leif has pockets full of odds and ends, and really, really loves plants… so perhaps you could have a friendly vine over one shoulder, or dangling out of the side of a bag, to keep him company.

If you do decide to dress up as Erskin or Leif, or as characters from any other of my books, I always love to see the pictures!

What I’m reading

At the moment I’m really privileged to be reading an early copy of Winter’s Keep by Tamsin Mori – book 3 in the Weather Weaver adventures and out on the 2nd March. With cloud sidekicks and sea witches, it’s a feat of fun and imagination. Keep your eyes peeled for it in March! Illustrated by David Dean (cover) and Hannah Blackman-Kurz (interior), published by Uclan Publishing.

The book, Winter's Keep by Tamsin Mori on a fluffy grey background

I hope the rest of this month is a breeze, leaving you feeling as chilled out as Stevie clearly is today. Until next time!

A tabby cat fast asleep on a blanket with her arms outstretched

You say May, I say June... book news and recent reads

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the belated May round-up that I’m counting as June’s too… Yup, I missed a month in the monthly mini-blog! I’m already late, so without further ado, onwards:

Latest book progress

Last month I sent my editor the latest draft of my next book, while wiping the sweat from my brow. Afterwards I celebrated by doing a few of my favourite things. I admit that the first of these was sleeping. After that there was some cake. What about you - do you treat yourself when you’ve finished a big project? How do you like to celebrate? Now the sleeping and cake eating is done, I’m playing around with a few fun ideas and secret side projects and having a great time while I wait for news on this one.

Shakespeare Week winning entries

I wrote a poem for Shakespeare Week to help inspire children across the country who were coming up with their own creative responses to ‘Still my beating mind’. Now the winning entries have been chosen and you can see them in the online exhibition. I loved reading/listening to/admiring them and was thrilled to see that my poem had helped inspire a few! A massive well done to every single person who took part.

Recent recommended reads

The Wild Robot by Peter Brown - this book (that says it’s for 7-10 year olds) is such a pure and beautiful tale. You’ll love Roz the Robot - who wouldn’t love a wild robot with such a pure heart?

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke - I’m listening to this one as an audiobook and it’s superb in this format: Chiwetel Ejiofor is an incredible narrator. Reference to the stone statue of a fawn and a lamp post have already put me in mind of Narnia and taken me to the magical ‘betwixt’ world of who I am now and my childhood memories/imaginings, while the story describes the strange place that Piranesi inhabits.

Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey - I became obsessed with the sci fi series The Expanse recently, to find that the TV series only takes the story so far… so now I have to read all the books to find out what happens, starting with this one! (P.S. Camina Drummer can be my bosmang forever).

BONUS BOOKS: The Ghouls of Howlfair and Molly Thompson and the Crypt of the Blue Moon by Nick Tomlinson - my husband and I love these brilliant books, so we’ve started reading them to our kid at bedtime and he’s been loving them too. There’s nothing quite like a fun, spooky tale with the lights dimmed…

What have you been reading? I’d love to know! Take care and see you again in July for another edition of the mini-blog.